Saturday, October 22, 2011

Update on the Girly Me Missions Sale

In a previous post, I wrote about how LifeWay Christian Resources heard about Girly Me Missions, the ministry my girls and some of their friends are in. They contacted me because they wanted to come and film the girls in the group and do a story on them. They wanted to turn their story into a video that will be shown at next summer's LifeWay CentriKid nation-wide camps. Soooo...

The film crew arrived yesterday. They were young and energetic and made the girls feel very comfortable. They interviewed them as a group, then individually...

Then they bought everyone pizza and we had a pizza party for dinner that night. The girls had so much fun ;-)

The film crew wanted to film the girls "in action" so we invited them to visit their booth at the Owasso Harvest Festival and Chili Cook-Off the next day. The girls have been working very hard for the last few months making lots of crafts to sell including fall-scented candles, Duck tape items, crocheted items, jewelry, Christmas ornaments, Fall decorations, and baked goods. They had so much fun selling their crafts and telling people about Project Hope Worldwide, the non-profit organization that their profits were going to.

They set a goal for how much they wanted to make at the sale and because of the donations of several generous people, they were able to exceed their goal! :-)  We also had BEAUTIFUL weather for the entire sale (unlike last year when it was cold and rainy). When the sale was over, the girls gathered together and said a little prayer to God to thank Him for the nice weather and for helping them exceed their goal.) An hour after the sale was over, it started pouring down rain! Mackenzie said, "I need a t-shirt that says, 'I truly witnessed a miracle!'" ;-)

This entire experience has been really fun for the girls and I'm just so proud of all of them. They have such sweet spirits and have a true love for serving others and helping those in need. I am amazed at their motivation and their selflessness. I can't wait to see where God will lead them next!

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