Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Field Trip: Tour of the Nina & Pinta Replicas

Our homeschool co-op just had a field trip to visit replicas of the Nina and Pinta in Muskogee, OK. I can't even imagine what it would be like to spend months on the waters and never see land - gives me a whole new appreciation as to what sailors had to endure by traveling the treacherous oceans long ago, and even still today.

Here's some info on the ships and pics from our fun day...

Nina and Pinta Replica Info:

Ships Come In (MuskogeePhoenix.com)

Pics from our Field Trip:

I have also posted links and videos here if you'd like to further your research on Columbus and the three ships that made the trek to the Americas ;-)


Nicole said...

My kids LOVED this! And so did I. Despite the freezing temps, it was really cool to see.

Grace said...

What a sweet blog you have here. I can't wait to start using my blog as a place to keep family memories when I have little ones.

And the field trip looks awesome...wish I had a cool field trip like this when I was younger!
