Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Quick Jaunt to Stillwater

Our family recently took a quick road trip to mine and Steve's alma mater, Stillwater, and had dinner at Eskimo Joe's...

The clothing store added a new addition to it...

The girls wanted these shot glasses for their American Girls.
"But Mom, they are the perfect size!"  :-)

We opted for cute Joe's bags instead ;-)

Then we took a walk around the campus. As my friend and old roommate, Karin, says, "You can never start indoctrinating too soon!" ;-)

It was a fun day & we look forward to going back for homecoming this Fall! :-)


  1. Lil' roadtrips are fun! Have been wanting to do more of those ourselves! ;-)

  2. I know this is a shock comeing from a Sooner fan but we will be going to a tailgating party at OSU in October, I think on the 8th. Looks like you all had a fun time!
