Saturday, July 5, 2008

My poor, neglected flower beds...

I have to admit I've been basically worthless around the house this past week. Working out at the Y & swim lessons has taken up our mornings and every afternoon we've either had a playdate with friends or had errands to run. We've been home just long enough to make a mess but not long enough to clean it up. In order to redeem myself, I thought I'd tackle our overgrown flower beds. (It has nothing to do with cleaning the inside of my house - but at least it's something!) Also, my friend, Dawn, has challenged her blogging buddies to find one project around the house each week to begin and finish and post before and after pics of it on our blogs. Well, here's my only accomplishment for the week - pitiful, I know...

The shrubs and hostas got a major hair cut. What a mess! Where's Big Tree Landscaping when you need them?!

3 bags later!





Now mind you, this is only 1 of 3 beds I did. At least in my mind, I've redeemed myself! Perhaps I'll clean on the inside next week ;-)


  1. Oh, it looks awesome! Great job!

    And, for the challenge, it can be ANY project!! :)

  2. Your check is in the mail ; )
    You are a natural at landscaping anytime you want a job I have "pull" w/the boss!
